Through all of my raiding with casual and (subpar) guilds over the years, I've always wondered what it would feel like to actually finish content and be on that magical status that is "farm." Apart from joining a guild already farming Blackwing Lair, I've never actually progressed through and completed an instance before. Now that my 13/13H guild is clearing Throne of Thunder in three and a half hours, ...
I am soooooo bored.
It's not the extra free time that's boring since I'm pretty adept at wasting time in Azeroth. Rather, it's the fact that raid night, once so full of engaging problem-solving and difficult maneuvers through environmental traps while maximizing personal performance, has become a mindless walkthrough where the bosses have as much zone-out potential as the trash. Recently, the only time I turn my brain back on is to make sure I don't die on Dark Animus, and coincidentally, that is the about the only fight I actually enjoy nowadays. I've virtually become one of those adrenaline junkies that only feels alive when s/he's jumping out an airplane or off a cliff and risking death just to relish the pounding of my heart rushing blood through my veins! Except you know... it's in-game death.
My fellow raider assures me that this is a classic raider's plight: the necessity of finishing content as fast as possible to earn a good rank and spending the rest of the tier farming to ensure a decent rank next patch. But I can't believe that I was actually happy wiping over and over on Lei Shen and pulling out my hair every time a guildie fell of the edge. Now, I'm waiting not too patiently for the next patch, which seems might still be a month away, but when it finally does arrive, you'll probably find me in a fetal position on the floor after the ordeal of progressing through fourteen new encounters in one week and wishing we were on farm again.
Interested in my Tier 15 kills? Check out my guild's YouTube channel. Here are a few of my favorite videos from this tier, featuring our good luck charm, Death-Prone Ele Shaman:
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